HWPI Volunteer Spotlight: Chris Wolfe

HWPI would like to introduce another incredible volunteer, Chris Wolf. Chris first became involved with HWPI when Karen McKeachie, Chris’ sister-in-law by marriage, was tragically killed on a training ride two years ago. Chris and his brother-in-law, Lew Kidder, started thinking about some way to create a worthwhile tribute to Karen that would benefit future generations. While Chris’ involvement with HWPI began as a tribute to Karen, it has turned into a real passion for him. He has been instrumental in helping HWPI develop relationships in the community and with donors. His unique talent in working behind the scenes to share and garner support for our vision to develop the B2B has been invaluable. In addition to this great contribution, Chis has helped lead the planning for our donor appreciation event and has served as the highly engaging emcee at this event for the past two years.

When not volunteering for HWPI, the retired corporate lawyer spends the winters enjoying his five-year-old granddaughter in Austin, Texas. Chris enjoys being outside, hiking, biking, swimming, and running in the warmer months and skiing in the winter. He and his wife, Linda Kidder, enjoy travel, especially travel that has physical activity required. They went on a six-week adventure travel trip in New Zealand and a two-week cycling trip in the San Juan Islands earlier this year. They have also enjoyed many bicycle adventures in Spain, France, and Italy over the years.

Chris believes that the trail will become one of the most appreciated amenities in Washtenaw County for residents and visitors. When the Border-to-Border Trail is completed, it will be because visionary people like Chris Wolfe were willing to pitch in. It really does take a village to build a trail. Thank you Chris!