HWPI Volunteer Spotlight: Melissa Sundermann

HWPI would like to introduce another amazing volunteer, Melissa Sundermann. As longtime a friend and training partner of Karen McKeachie and Lew Kidder, Melissa jumped into action upon Karen’s passing in 2016. When Lew announced that Karen’s Legacy project would be creating safe non-motorized trails, she was immediately on board with doing anything and everything to tell Karen’s story and help build Karen’s Trail.

Melissa is very active with HWPI, serving as a Board Member, a committee member for our Donor Appreciation Reception, and volunteers at several events throughout the year. On any given day, you can find her wearing a Karen’s Trail bracelet or hairband, and telling Karen’s story.

When Melissa is not working in her medical practice or volunteering for HWPI, she enjoys spending time outdoors with her family – running, biking, skiing, hiking and camping in yurts! When not participating in sports, you can find her watching her kids play soccer and dive off 10m platforms. Melissa considers herself a true blue Wolverine, despite having medical degree from MSU.

When asked why she volunteers with HWPI, Melissa said, “Each day I think of Karen and miss her in my life. Her death hit home regarding the need for safe pathways for bikers, runners and walkers. I know Karen would be so proud of this trail and the community that has come together around her legacy project.” Thank you Melissa for your extreme dedication to building the B2B. You contribution is truly making a difference in our community!