HWPI Volunteer Spotlight: Peter and Patti Feeney

Peter and Patti Feeney

HWPI is very pleased to introduce two amazing volunteers, Peter and Patti Feeney. This couple has made immeasurable contributions to HWPI and the B2B over the last few years. Their interest in building local trails began while biking in Colorado. They were impressed by the fabulous trails and paths around the country and wanted to bring them to Washtenaw County. While out on a western trail, Patti suggested, ‘Somebody should build trails like this in Michigan.’ That somebody soon included both Peter and Patti when they joined the effort led by Jeff Hardcastle, Tim Eder and a team of others who began exploring how to bring trails to Chelsea.

While they are quick to downplay their efforts, both have made a huge impact. Peter has played a critical role in fundraising, serves on HWPI’s Board of Directors and has been instrumental in engaging other leaders in our work. Patti recently became immersed the development of an Interpretative Master Plan (IMP) for the B2B. She has lent her creative perspective to develop interpretive opportunities and design features across the B2B. All of these activities, combined with sponsorship of the trail, has advanced the trail project.

According to Peter:

“This is already a fantastic area to live and raise a family. The B2B will raise the areas visibility and really help attract young families to a community with great schools, arts and recreation. Two of the largest state recreation areas are right on our doorstep. They have been our playground for years and we can now access them by the B2B. What a great place to live!”

Community support is in the Feeneys’ DNA. In addition to volunteering with HWPI, they provide leadership to several community organizations and manage a local insurance provider, Chelsea Rhone. Thank you, Peter and Patti, for bringing your time and talent to HWPI. You are truly helping bring active, healthy lifestyles to our community!