Let’s Build Karen’s Trail!
We’re excited to announce that Karen’s Trail t-shirts are now available to purchase online! Our work this summer has been focused in large part on making people aware of Karen’s Story and the trail. One way that we have been able to do this is through our Karen’s Trail t-shirts. We hope to get thousands of people wearing Karen’s Trail shirts and sharing our cause.
The shirts are made of performance material, good for visibility. They are $20 each and available for ordering until August 31. Shirts may be shipped directly to you or picked up from Ann Arbor Running Company’s new store in Kerrytown.
Click here to order your own Karen’s Trail t-shirt.
We would really appreciate your help sharing the opportunity to order Karen’s Trail shirts with your community. You can share the order form link above through email or if you are on Facebook, please share our t-shirt post with your friends! The more it is shared, the more community members will hear about Karen’s Trail.
Click here for our Facebook post.
Shirts are only available to order until August 31, so time is of the essence!
Thank you for your support of Karen’s Trail!