Summer Heat Got You Down?
Summer heat and humidity got you down? Here’s a look back to one of the many Phase 1 (M52& Werkner to Green Lake) walkthroughs last winter, when the temperature was a balmy 10 degrees!
From HWPI board member Erik Stalhandske, who was shivering behind the camera: “Working collaboratively with the Michigan DNR and Stantec Engineering, we were able to mutually address everyone’s concerns and arrive at a mutually satisfactory trail alignment. Through careful value engineering, we have addressed existing environmental features, incorporated natural topographical highlights, and stayed within budget. It is anticipated that groundbreaking for the first stretch of trail will begin in mid to late summer of 2017.”
HWPI board chair, Jeff Hardcastle, anticipates that groundbreaking on Phase 1 may be about eight weeks away!
#hwpathways #b2btrail #karenstrail #midnr #tbt