Trail User Spotlight

Photos of Bob on the B2B Trail in Gallup Park in Ann Arbor
Avid trail user Bob Spaly can be found on the Border to Border Trail all four seasons of the year. Bob was a marathon runner in his younger years and frequently trained on the B2B. While he worked hard and always competed, he never took the races too seriously and thus preferred the friendly faces and beautiful settings along the trail to that of roadsides or tracks. After years of running, Bob transitioned to cycling, where he would complete 20-30 mile rides along the pathways of the B2B and connecting local trails.
Today, Bob requires the use of a motorized wheelchair for mobility. An athlete by nature, he continues to log miles on his favorite trail corridors traveling up to 10 miles on a given visit. Nothing but heavy rain, ice, or strong winds can keep him away. (He is certainly built for Michigan weather!)

When asked what he likes most about using the trail, Bob references the freedom to move around as he pleases – something that is difficult for him in other settings. Like many of us who love the outdoors, accessing fresh air and the region’s natural beauty is essential to his mental health and well-being. The trail gives him access to everything from rivers to woodlands to bustling downtown communities.
While Bob enjoys many B2B Trail segments – including Zeeb Road to downtown Dexter, the Chelsea-Stockbridge Corridor, and the pathways at Gallup Park and Hudson Mills Metropark – he can’t wait until he can head out his front door near Huron River Drive to hop on his favorite trail. It is a day that all of us who support the B2B Trail are working hard to make a reality, and we can’t wait to experience it along with him!