Partners on Patrol

You might be unaware that the Huron-Clinton Metropark Authority – the body that oversees 13 metroparks throughout Southeast Michigan and all of the metroparks along the B2B Trail – employs its own police force. Metroparks Police Department officers, such as Sergeant Chris Proudlock, are tasked with keeping the over 25,000 acres of woods, waterways, and trails that make up our metroparks safe and accessible for their many visitors.

According to Sgt. Proudlock, some of the more eventful parts of the job include locating missing or stranded park patrons on an unfamiliar stretch of water or trail after dark. Sgt. Proudlock and his fellow officers know that access to nature and the outdoors is one of the major reasons residents choose to live in our region of the state and visitors choose to visit, and understand the importance of creating a safe environment for people to enjoy our diverse natural environment. Next time you run into a Metropark Police Officer while out on a ride on the B2B Trail or walk through the park, remember to say hello and thank them for keeping our wonderful natural areas safe, accessible, and usable.
Did you know that many miles of Border to Border Trail are located on Metropark property? You can find B2B Trail segments within the Hudson Mills, Dexter-Huron and Delhi metroparks. Currently, there is active construction on an additional 1.3 miles of trail extending from Zeeb Road to East Delhi Road that, when complete, will connect all three of the Washtenaw County metroparks. There are even trail connections in progress within Van Buren Township to connect the B2B Trail to Lower Huron Metropark! Miles of amazing outdoor recreation right here in southeast Michigan!