Rotary Club of Chelsea – Our Newest Pathway Sponsor

The Rotary Club of Chelsea has generously committed $7500 to become the newest Pathway Sponsor of the Huron Waterloo Pathways Initiative. The HWPI board members extend our sincere appreciation for their support!


The Rotary Club of Chelsea is part of a global community of 1.2 million men and women dedicated to building a better world. Together they strive to eradicate polio, and provide lasting solutions for communities fighting disease, hunger, illiteracy, and poverty. Rotary strives to live up to the motto “Service Above Self.”

Locally, they support causes including St. Louis Center, Run for the Rolls, WAVE, Chelsea Monitor vintage baseball club, Saturday Morning Challengers Bowling League, and the high school groups focusing on leadership and responsible behavior, Interact and SRSLY. They are proud to further improve our area’s quality of life through sponsorship of Huron Waterloo Pathways.

For more information, please visit the Rotary Club of Chelsea’s Facebook page!